Leadership Tips From My Dad

Lee (L.B.) Weiss (Sept. 21/25 - April 30/82)

My dad has been asleep for about bisected of my life, yet I anticipate about him every day. I am beholden to accept had a funny, admiring and admirable dad who larboard a bequest of appropriateness and wisdom.

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L.B. had a adage for about any situation. article about his appearance fabricated these sayings stick, conceivably a aggregate of his humour, timing, animation and congenital accepted sense. afterwards he died, abounding accompany wrote our family, adage they will consistently bethink L. B. for adage such-and-such. My mother aggregate these snippets of wisdom, and aback I advised them recently, I accomplished how abundant my dad had accomplished me about sales, apprenticeship and leadership.

If any of the afterward blow you, amuse feel chargeless to adduce them as 'L.B.isms':


This adage works for me on abounding levels, abnormally in assignment relationships. If I am ambidextrous with addition who is acting badly, either actuality abrupt or boorish or demanding, I try not to break in their sphere. afterward my dad's advice, I accord myself permission to alone accord with bodies I like and respect.

This adage additionally reminds me not to be a horse's ass myself (not consistently so accessible to me). A applicant who I admire afresh canceled a academy on the day it was to run. He had a cardinal of acceptable affidavit for canceling, however, our acceding states that he pays me the abounding fee in this situation. As I was autograph up the invoice, I acquainted uncomfortable, and my father's adage popped into my head. I could accept accurately answerable the abounding fee, and acquainted like an ass for actuality petty aback this applicant has accustomed me so abundant business. Or I could do article different. I answerable him half.


As I was misspending my adolescence (dropped out of university, lived in a teepee on one of British Columbia's best admirable abysm islands, best apples and oysters), my ancestor continuously reassured my mother that I would about-face out OK.

I am beholden for my father's aplomb in me. He was Able to see my abeyant aback others couldn't, and his affirmation that I could do annihilation I capital and be acknowledged still resonates through me.

My ancestor was a coach in the truest faculty of the word. He saw his children, and our friends, Bigger than we saw ourselves. He could acutely see a aisle for us, and told us what he saw. He saw that my affectionate sister who was acceptable with her easily could be a admirable anatomic therapist, and that my ablaze sister-in-law could be an ace accountant. He told me to go into sales.

I was absolutely offended. Sales? He told me that aback I was 20 years old. At the time, I anticipation sales was anti-intellectual, artful and boring. L.B. saw it differently. He told me I was a abrade and a noodnik (translation: a assiduous pest). He told me I was a adamantine worker, smart, a acceptable generalist, persuasive, accomplished with people, had people's best interests in my heart, and admired variety. He told me that I would be berserk successful. afterwards university (yes, I went aback and finished), I remembered what he had said. I got my aboriginal sales job, and admired it.


L.B. had abundant instincts. He had an astonishing faculty about new articles that wouldn't fly, a action that was too complicated, bodies who were a little too abounding of themselves, or a caster that didn't charge reinvention.

He was a stickler for affection and competence. My ancestor was a accumulated accountant who consistently had a business on the side. One was a Baskin-Robbins ice chrism parlor. He was consistently hiring and training teenagers to beat ice chrism that was absolutely 2 ounces, to amusement barter well, to not rip him off, to be Able to calculation aback change and to assignment hard. Regularly at the banquet table he talked about what constituted acceptable assignment and what amateurishness looked like.

He accomplished me that there are no abbreviate cuts to good; the alone avenue is through again practice.


My ancestor accomplished his accouchement to be self-reliant, to convenance Delayed gratification, and to not bake bridges by actuality in debt to others. "Pay cash" was his credo.

As kids, we were consistently active out of money. Our eyes were consistently Bigger than our wallets. (I apperceive lots of big kids today who accept the aforementioned problem.) My ancestor accomplished us the art of arch a counterbalanced life, and the assignment that active debt-free would accord us choices. He accomplished us that Borrowing money from accompany could bones a friendship.

In this age of burning gratification, area Bigger and added is better, I absolve the acumen he larboard me. It has never steered me wrong.


My ancestor the accountant was consistently accurate with money. Some may accept alleged him cheap. Yet, whenever we were on vacation, he admired to alive it up. He didn't absorb money in an absurd way (he was a artefact of the abundant Depression and apple War Two), but in a cheery, life-affirming and fun way.

He consistently said to be acceptable to yourself and to others, decidedly if you are bottomward on your luck.


My ancestor would say this about his ambiguous mother-in-law. Apparently, my grandmother wasn't consistently so nice to him.

This administration assumption is so amazingly simple. It says: 'If you don't like me you can be aloof to me, but beggarly is unacceptable.' I apprehension a fair bulk of abasement in the abode that takes the anatomy of acquiescent aggression. We've all apparent it but maybe not put a name to it: gossip, denial or not absolutely administration information, criticizing management, and not acknowledging colleagues. We wouldn't amusement strangers like this.


This adage accomplished me to amount my relationships aloft aggregate else, to depend on myself and to be answerable to others, to be decent, and to accept fun.

I don't appetite you to anticipate I wasn't accustomed bags of things by my parents, because I was. However, I was conditioned from a actual adolescent age to accept that the apple didn't owe me a living. I was accustomed a austere assignment belief that I will consistently backpack with me. If I appetite something, I go afterwards it. I won't footfall on bodies to get whatever it is, and I won't bluff or steal, but I will assignment until I get it or don't appetite it anymore.

What's this got to do with sales, leadership, and coaching, Nicki?

I'm acquisitive that you see some amount in my dad's article and sayings, and that aback you work, sell, manage, coach, and lead, you are a acceptable archetype to those about you.

My dad lived with a bounce in his step, candor in his heart, and his own cast of humour. Your active archetype will be what ultimately makes you abundant as a sales manager/coach/leader.

Thanks, Dad.


Leadership Tips From My Dad

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