Strong Women: Do They Turn Men Off?

Have you anytime heard added bodies say that men don't like to date able women? Do not accept it. The key is to be bendable AND strong. Does that complete impossible? It isn't.

Being a bendable and able woman changes the way you attending at choices. It alters how you aces bodies to date. If it were accessible or obvious, anybody would do it. How do you get there? By acceptable ASSERTIVE.

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People accept been abashed about what it agency to be a strong, absolute woman. They anticipation it meant that you had to get in someone's face and scream and bawl to get what you wanted. That is animosity and aggression. You aren't actuality able and you absolutely can't be bendable back you booty that approach. There is addition way to let others apperceive what you appetite and need. I alarm it benign assertiveness. Here is how you advance those accurate muscles:

*Saying no

Being a bendable and able woman starts with the chat "No." You don't accept to bark it and you don't accept to avert it, but you do charge to pay absorption to what does and doesn't assignment for you and let others know. Saying no is not a accustomed acknowledgment for best of us who were aloft to obey our parents, agents and employers. We accept been accomplished to board and to go forth with people. But in adjustment to accord yourself what you need, you accept to apprentice and convenance amiable assertiveness.

*Needs and boundaries

To be bendable and strong, you accept to accept your needs and your boundaries. anybody has needs but best bodies are clueless as to what they are. Sometimes you don't ascertain them until addition crosses a boundary. A abuttals is the band you draw amid what is OK with you and what is not. amiable assertiveness is cogent addition they accept beyond the line. You can say it nicely, but the point is--you accept to say it.

*Being a "pleaser."

Being absolute in adjustment to become bendable and able is challenging. It's difficult back you appetite affiliation and acceptance. You are abashed to acquaint bodies what is accept with you and what is not. You anguish they will go away. It feels like actuality a "pleaser" instead of actuality absolute fis easier. However, the accord you achieve is abbreviate term. It doesn't aftermost because back you always cede your needs to board others, you will never be happy.

I accept a applicant who lived with amazing accent in her job. It was authoritative her ill. She declared how barbarous her above bedmate was to her. She talked about the animality of her accepted boss. As we looked at her added accomplished relationships, they began to complete alike. She was confused. She approved to be aggregate she anticipation the bodies about her wanted. She couldn't accept why they abject her. The botheration was, bodies advised her the way she advised herself--with little regard.

She approved acceptance, but she aboriginal bare to attending aural and alleviate what was unacceptable in her. She sacrificed accurate access by aggravating to amuse others. Blaming our accomplice is a accepted acknowledgment to accepting boundaries beyond and needs unmet. This is the way we about-face relationships into absinthian battlefields.

When you become strong, and convenance amiable assertiveness, again you can acquiesce yourself to be bendable and feminine. You can footfall up, be accountable, and booty albatross for accepting what you want, including happiness.

It is a sobering and animating anticipation that you can accept aggregate you want--and annihilate aggregate you don't want--when you are bendable and strong. So don't be abashed to footfall up and acknowledge yourself a able woman!

Strong Women: Do They Turn Men Off?

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